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Purpose of Form

This report is to be used when:

  • You saved a Posting Requisition Form as a draft, and want to call it up to complete the form
  • You are looking for a past posting to access the posting summary and job description that was used last time
  • To check the status of a Posting Requisition Form that has been submitted for approval. 

Table of Contents:

Navigate to the Report and View the Results:

1. Login to Unit4 ERP.

2. Navigate to the Reports tab in the main menu. Select Manager Reports > HR > My Posting Requisitions (Manager) 

3. Your report results will automatically load. You should see all postings that have been submitted for you as the Hiring Manager. If someone submits a posting requisition on your behalf, the posting will appear in your report. 

View the Posting Requisition Form and Supporting Documents

1. To view the Form and supporting documents that have already been submitted, click on the Form ID hyperlink in the first column. 

2. The Form masterfile will open. Click on the tab, Posting Requisition Form and the form will display as a read-only version. You can attach your documents from this step, but to edit the form, you must re-open the form from the Posting Requisition Form screen (see directions here). 

3. To attach documents to a saved form, or to view the documents that were submitted with a past posting, simply click on the paperclip in the upper right-hand corner. The paperclip will display as blue if there are already attachments on the form. 

A pop-up window will launch and you will see the attached documents. You can download these documents to make any edits and then rea-attach them or use them for a new posting. 

Open and Edit a Saved Draft of the Posting Requisition Form:

1. To view the Form and supporting documents that have been Saved as a Draft, click on the Form ID hyperlink in the first column of the Report. 

2. To edit the existing form, make note of the Form ID, in this example, it's #12. 

3. Re-open the Posting Requisition Form from the main menu. In the Form ID field, type in "12" and the corresponding form will populate the screen:

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